Written and Illustrated by Christopher Galletta Stevens
Standard Sized Trade Paperback Full Color Page Count: 70 (68 plus covers) POD $15.99
This trade paperback contains the entire collection of
Towner comic strips found on this website, as well as all of his newspaper spots
and bonus material not found within. Over one hundred and
thirty comic strips, many beautifully digitally painted cartoons! Designed for people of all ages!
Join an imaginative little boy Towner on his daily adventures at school, at
home, and at play! Meet his wacky friends - the megalomaniac Dizzter, the odd
portly boy named Cow, and Towner's brother - who happens to have a very strange
doll! Meet his family, neighbors and pets! Over 130 comic strips, and - a rarity
nowadays - kid-friendly!
Enjoy the free samples on this website, and buy the
entire collection for yourself! The more trade paperbacks sell, the more future
Towner adventures will be created!
I've been drawing Towner Comics since 1997, re-coloring
and web-issuing it for this website since 2005, and now finally
publishing the entire collection
2009. So, thanks to
ComicGenesis and it's great way of archiving and automatic webcomics, using these shortcuts and calendars makes it exceedingly easy for you to navigate my site
and preview
The Adventures of Towner - The Complete Collection trade paperbacknow! So... jump around and (hopefully) ENJOY!
Note: My 1997-2004 comics are mostly black & white. My 2005-and-up comics mostly have color and digital text.. First, here are thumbnails that lead to some of my
favorite samples. Then, below
that is the huge calendar archive.
My children's book: Tee and Wee - Health & Nutrition for Young Earthlings:
My 2007 dramatic Graphic Novel...
...and its 1988-1999 predecessor, my
juvenile comic book/sketchbook-with-a-storyline: Chrusher Comix:
(AKA the best webcomic that nobody ever reads)
My family greenhouse, Galletta's of Oswego:
...and a fun hobby behind the
And an advertisement from Christopher Galletta Stevens where
The Chrusher continues his fight of good (him) vs. evil (everyone else) on go-karts!
And being funny on the site too. Yes, that's
really me racing at the speedway in back of
Galletta's Greenhousein Oswego, NY every weekend from June through October!: This is a website that features me, my family and friends go-kart racing: Galletta's Go-Kart Racing Association of Oswego, NY. We have a ton of fun doing it, but it doesn't have much to do with my art career, other than the
occasional photo-comic hilarity, website design and the paintjobs on many of the karts. (Yes, that really is me racing Go-Karts! Every weekend June through October in back of
Galletta's Greenhouse!)
Please vote for my Towner webcomic (unless you don't like it or something)!
As most web cartoonists, I do this for free and this site is 100% free and without profit, the only part about job that I hate.
If you like my comics and would like to see more, then please consider making an easy and secure donation via paypal or credit card.
Please ask permission before using any of the artwork on this website, although you may link to it without permission. All artwork, characters, stories, names, and ideas on this website are created and owned by Christopher Galletta Stevens and are protected under copyright laws as such.
Artist is seeking publication and/or syndication of this project, and any other project offers are welcome. Please consider donations as they are essential for the survival of un-syndicated cartoonists, including this one. Seeking employment as a commercial artist, graphic designer, computer colorist, freelance illustrator, and/or cartoonist.
Contact me with offers.
check out many of my favorite DVDs and movie
soundtracks, my
and my
My comic book (PG-13 & up)::
help out this panhandler/cartoonist:
These ads are included for a rather overrated webcomic called Tales of Pylea, who has nothing to say about my comics other than I have prohibited Google ads. Thanks, dudes or dudettes!